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I Am Exactly Where I’m Meant To Be

Yesterday I had dinner with a friend I made when I was living in North Carolina. At that moment, she was also a peer mentor who I asked for guidance and help. It wasn’t until she said it, that I realized… I have come a long way since 2013.


I can remember early 2012 like it was yesterday! I had already submitted my grad school apps and now patiently waiting for offer letters. That year, I received 10 rejection letters! Not even 1 offer letter to a PhD program of my choice.

The following year, I applied again! Thinking, I bettered my GRE, there is no reason to not get in… This was when I was in NC and asking my friend to help me out. That year, I received 12 rejection letters.

Early 2013 was one of my personal lows. I had very little self-esteem. Very little self-confidence. And why would I? I had a degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and I was flipping burgers in a fast food chain in the mall in Durham, NC.


With coworkers at Symmetry Bioscience

I felt helpless. After a few months, I wasn’t ready to give up on science yet, and started volunteering at the Duke Lemur Center in hopes to network with someone and get a position as a technician somewhere! July 2013, I started working part time in an organic chemistry start up, Symmetry Biosciences.

One day, Dr. Robic from Agnes Scott sent me an email about an opportunity in St. Louis, MO. Not even sure where that was, I went ahead and applied and within a week, I had 2 interviews and an offer letter! I finally found a job as a technician in a biology lab and I was moving to St. Louis! Finally, it felt like things were falling into place. This is when I started to blog because before that I was ashamed of my myself, my misfortune and my failed career.

I started working under the direction of Dr. Clarissa Craft at

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Finally on the track after things went downhill for a while!

Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis in November 2013. This position required learning a lot of techniques and biology I had no background in. My project focused on the role of extracellular matrix structures in metabolic health –> How does the cell environment affect metabolic health such as diabetes etc.

After getting some more relevant work experience, I decided it was time to apply to graduate school again. As the saying goes, “the third time is the charm.” I received acceptances from numerous schools and was finally on my way to becoming an independent scientist!

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Fast forward 2 years: I struggled through core courses but passed! I chose my thesis lab, gave my first Works-in-progress presentation, had my first thesis committee meeting and passed my qualifying exam! I am officially a PhD candidate and well into my 3rd year of graduate school!

I have come a long way!

This is what I have been working so hard for all this time! And in the process, I’ve made some amazing memories and have grown a lot as an individual.

I am proud that I have come so far along.

I am proud that I never stopped and gave up.

I am proud that the little voice in the back of my head told me to continue!

And lastly, I am proud of who I have become as a woman and scientist.

I’m exactly where I’m meant to be!


I challenge  you to think about what you wanted for this year? Have you reached your goal? How can you reach your goal before the end of the year? Are you currently working towards your goal? How will the next year help you achieve it? What are some concrete steps you will take? Most importantly… Are you happy with where you are?


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