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Tezin Walji

Scientist - Photographer - Companion

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MEET TEZIN - The Cell.ebra-T

Hey there CellebraT! I am Tezin, the voice of CellebraT.

I wish I could say I will focus on one particular thing, but I recently had an epiphany! I am alot more than just one identity. Through this page, I hope to highlight some of my passions and identities and hope that through it all, someone is inspired! 

Be inspired and be a CellebraT

MEET TEZIN - The Scientist

My science communication blogging journey started when I realized I wanted to pursue a career in science and I didn't have any mentors. I didn't know where to start. And as I looked around me, there weren't very many scientists that looked like me. 

My journey started as a student in undergrad, then a technician at WashU in STL, to a student again at UTSW. As I go through the rollercoaster of graduate school, I am faced with many challenges, failures, demotivation but all of it balances out with a positive result of an experiment towards my thesis :-D 

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MEET TEZIN - The Companion

My identity as a companion is tied to so many factors. I am a companion to my peers; I am a companion to my parents (as a daughter) and to my sister; I am a companion to my husband; I am a companion to my most loyal companion, my fur babies - Buttercup & Tiana.  

As part of my companionship, I hope to bring comfort to my readers as my support system has brought to me.

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MEET TEZIN - The Photographer

My newest identity! 

I have always loved being behind the camera. It was always a hobby of mine. One Christmas I was gifted a professional camera, and that's what started my journey from my cell phone camera to a DSL-R camera! 

I have enjoyed capturing ALL the Cellebra-Ts that I come across! 

Are you the next CellebraT I will meet?

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