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Happy New Years 2019


Wow, I cannot believe the new year is here! It went by so fast!

Here are some of my highlights from the past year!


Now that it is the new year, it is officially time to come up with new years resolutions!

I am definitely one of those that is very optimistic at the beginning of the year, ready to make changes, but then, a few weeks in… kind of lose sight of it all.

However, my planner last year definitely kept me on track and am hoping it will keep me on track this year as well.

  1. Be more confident as a person and as a scientist

  2. Learn to love myself: emotionally and physically

  3. So many of us focus on loving ourselves physically, that we forget to also be okay with who we are personally, which is what I mean when I say “emotionally”. I want to be okay with my personality and embrace who I am!

  4. Prioritize myself and my mental health

  5. Do more things that I enjoy… do more arts and crafts, cook more, dance more, travel more, do atleast 1 self care activity for myself, take a whole day off from lab etc…

  6. Think positive but realistic. Don’t self doubt.

  7. I am really good at being a cheerleader for other people, but very bad at it for myself. But at the same time, I believe that I need to be real with my expectations and prepare for worst case scenarios just to be able to deal with it.

  8. Become better at juggling: Work, blog, me, volunteering, friends & family

  9. This whole concept of adulting and time management is still new to me… I am working on it!

  10. Be financially more aware. Save Money!

  11. Be more physically fit and healthy

  12. Try new things

  13. Get a furry baby!

If you are a new years resolution-er… share your resolutions! How are you going to achieve these goals? Are you ready for the next 364 days?


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