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Hair Masking 101

If anyone ever asked me what one thing I love about myself, I always say my hair. It’s the one feature I have always loved while the others I’m still working on.

Because I’ve always been found of my hair, I take care of it on a regular basis. I oil my hair as often as I can to keep it growing healthy. So, when I started seeing “hair mask” products, I got curious.

While my curiosity peaked… my bank account plummeted!

How can I live a fabulous Cell.ebra-T life… but on a Grad School Budget?

DIY Hair Masks!

I like to think of myself as a no-waste/frugal living kinda gal! Whenever I can, I try to not waste! I found many recipes online and randomly combined ingredients I had laying around my kitchen.

So, I went through my fridge and found a few things to throw together to make my hair mask:

hair mask recipe

I tossed everything in my smoothie NINJA Blender and made a paste.


Applying the mask was a bit difficult and messy. I highly recommend doing it over a sink and have a paper towel handy. Also wear cloths that you don’t mind getting messy, hair mask may drip down! Make sure you lather your hair with the mask. Don’t be shy to rub it on your scalp. Massage it in! After applying all over my hair, I made a bun and continued to do some house chores.

Because I was using all-natural products, I was in no hurry to wash off the mask. After I applied the mask, I emptied out my dishwasher, loaded my dishwasher, sorted out my dirty laundry, loaded the laundry machine, put on a face mask and drew myself a bath!

Wow! Was I productive!

Wash off the mask with lukewarm water and shampoo/condition like normal. Dry and style as you want!

Here are my thoughts on “hair masking”

Right after the mask and after I washed it out, I had less tangles in my hair to comb out or at least it was easier to brush. My hair was shiner, but I don’t know if it was shiner than usual… and it smelled like avocados! Which I did not mind at all!!

Would I buy a hair mask? Absolutely not!

Would I use a store bought one if I got it as a gift? Absolutely…. No waste here!!

Would I make another DIY hair mask for my hair? Absolutely! I hope to do one every month! So keep a look out on new hair mask recipes!

Share your hair masking thoughts and ideas with me! I love getting new ideas!

And don’t forget to live your best Cell.ebra-T life, even if it’s on a Grad School Budget!

~ CellebraTez

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