Today marked an end of a huge chapter in my life. I finished working at Washington University to embark on a journey as a student obtaining my PhD in Biomedical Sciences. The ride has been bumpy getting to finally getting admissions into a PhD Program. After several times of applying I can honestly say I have received the most number of rejection letters anyone could receive to the point that I think I have learnt to deal with rejection very well (usually a pint of cookies and cream ice cream does it for me)!
Living in Saint Louis alone as a young scientist-wanna-be has taught me so much: to balance my professional life, social life, and person life. I have built relationships in this city that I had not dreamt of! The last 2.5 years have been some of my most wonderful and memorable ones. Quick shout out to:
· My parents/sister- for believing in me even when I didn’t
· Dr. Robic- For keeping an eye out for opportunities for me
· Dr. Clarissa Craft- My mentor, 1st friend in STL, my Boss for taking a chance on me and giving me the opportunity to work with her; and putting up with my math skills
· Stephanie- my best friend in STL. Without her STL would be a very boring place!
· Mecham Lab- Thank you for listening to all my crazy stories and putting up with my drama! I hope someone can live up to my crazy standards 😀
· Dr. Erica Scheller- My mentor and Boss for always being a great devils advocate and being brutally honest with me.
· All my friends in STL- thank you for all the fun times, keeping me sane, talking science, advice on grad school… everything! STL would not be the same w/o the relationships I formed while here.
What’s next?
Moving out of STL this weekend
Driving back to North Carolina
Getting ready for my vacation to Europe and India!!!
Coming back and getting ready to move to Dallas!!!
2016, you have truly been a great year thus far!! Looking forward to the rest of the year!!