“Only as high as I can reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be”
Being at Washington University in St. Louis is unreal! I still think I am in a beautiful dream and will wake up any time and it will all end. Fortunately, 4 days have gone by and it has not ended yet :). On Friday (11/08/13), my dad and I went for a tour of the School of medicine with Dr. Craft, my PI, and the campus is BEAUTIFUL. The research facilities are AMAZING! WashU is like the Mecca for research! I am truly fortunate to be here. While I was being given my tour, Dr. Craft and the Department gave me a welcome gift!
A WashU, School of Medicine, Department of Cell Biology and Physiology fleece!
After the tour, my dad and I had some major shopping to do! Although I came with a car full of boxes and bags and shoes, somehow I still needed to buy more things! The list is never ending; cleaning supplies to rugs for the bathroom and kitchen to area rugs etc! We had less than 24 hours to get all the shopping and unpacking done before my dad had to fly back home to NC. I think we did pretty good with my apartment!
Take a look!
I have a HUGE closet! I could rent it out as living space! 😀
My Bed, couldn’t forget my doggies! So comfy and cozy!
My Dining area. All ready for dinner parties!
My kitchen cabinets. Fully stocked w/ spices, lentils and other necessities!
My bathroom! Small but satisfies the purpose 🙂
I am finally all settled in. Everything organized and ready to start work!
One step closer to my fulfilling my dream of being a young, female, Ismaili scientist!