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My Last Weekend in STL

This past weekend was my last weekend as a STL Resident! While I still have a month before my move out date, I will be out of town for majority of it that I needed to make sure I made the most out of this weekend! Luckily, it has been the most eventful weekend in a long time! However, I would have been just as happy sitting at home with my STL Bestie, Stephanie!

To kick off the weekend, Stephanie and I (and a few other friends of ours) went to a charity Zumba Night (Shake Your TaTas) for TaTa Sisterhood. This non-profit organization aims to not only raise awareness on triple negative breast cancer, but also provide support to women who have been diagnosed with this cancer. Triple negative is an aggressive tumor that is hard to detect in an annual mammogram and about 15-20% of all breast cancers are triple negative in the USA. The event was by far one of the most emotional zumba events I have been to. It was so inspiring to see woman who have fought the terrible fight of breast cancer and come out on the other side, and if they are still struggling, everyone’s energy at the event was just so uplifting and inspiring! To learn more about the organization, please visit: If you are in STL next year, keep a look out for the Zumba night, it was an AMAZING event!

Next on the list was watching Keanu. Such a pointless movie, but so hilarious and the little kitten, Keanu, was the CUTEST! On Saturday evening, we went to Brennans for their Purple Rain Party in memory of Prince #PurpleRain. It was such a wonderful girls night out! Had so much fun! One of our friends got us into the VIP room for FREE so we got purple cupcakes, Purple Rain drinks, and she worked her magic and got a free bottle of some bubbles!! Needless to say, the night turned into an unforgettable evening!

To end this weekend, we stuffed our faces with Korean BBQ and Stephanie and I ran our very last trip to Walmart and Aldi together L. Between all this craziness of the weekend, I was able to get some organizing and packing done! My move is officially on! Boxes are gathered, cloths packed away and my apartments a mess!

Looking forward to the next few weekends: going to Dallas to Apartment hunt, then to Calgary to hang out with friends again, then to Atlanta for my baby cousin’s high school graduation then the last weekend in May is my move out weekend!


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