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Happy Anniversary

Happy 1 yr Anniversary to me!!!

Happy 1 yr Anniversary to me!! 

I cannot believe it! It’s been a year since I moved to Saint Louis and Officially started working at Washington University!! So much has happened in the last year and I have learned so much about myself. This past year has helped me grow not only as a person but also as a scientist. 

Shout out to everyone who has helped me along the way!!!

Few highlights: ~ Living alone!! ~ Learning to work with mice! ~ Getting Buttercup ~ Exploring a new city with new friends ~ Being Independent! ~ Finally getting Published!!!!! 😀

(De Marsilis AJ,Walji TA, Maedeker JA, Stoka KV, Kozel BA , Mecham RP, Wagenseil JE and Craft CS (2014) Elastin Insufficiency Predisposes Mice to Impaired Glucose Metabolism. J Mol Genet Med 8: 129. doi:10.4172/1747-0862.1000129)

Co-author publication! 

One step closer to fulfilling my dream of being a young, female, Ismaili scientist!


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