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Cheers to 2016!

I love celebrating New Years! As much of a realistic/pessimist I tend to be, during the first few days of the New Year, I am always excited about the possibilities for new adventure, new experiences, meeting new people and the new changes that the New Year will bring. During this time I tend to forget about all the hardships that life brings about. New Years brings out the hopeful and optimistic side of me (the only time to be so, if you ask me).

I finished 2015 with a BANG! I like to think that I accomplished most of the resolutions I had set for myself. I tried to be healthier, I worked out more in the year 2015 than I ever have in my whole life, I traveled a little, I tried A LOT of new experiences, I got my first tattoo, I over came heart break and opened myself to new relationships, made new friendships, went to Harry Potter World, and last but certainly not the least, finished my independent project of 2 years and submitting my first, first author manuscript!! Take that 2015!!

Some of my resolutions for this year:

  1. Be healthier (Life long resolution)

  2. Travel More (hopefully outside of the USA) and Road trips

  3. Help Others More

  4. Be a Nicer/Kinder Person

  5. Be More Confident in Myself

  6. Be More productive

  7. Be Present

  8. Laugh More

  9. Dance More

  10. Be Happier

  11. Be More Positive

  12. Do More Crafts

  13. Eat More Steak 

I spent NYE with some great friends in St. Louis. Had a wonderful Mexican Dinner at Chavas and made Vision Boards. Happy New Years from My Friends to Yours! 

Happy New Years to you and hope this New Year is everything you hope for! 


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